Even his little hands look like little man hands!

David Patrick Dart, Jr.

David Patrick Dart, Jr.

one of our dreams came true!
We are still in shock! Our girl world is turned upside down, our hens nest is stirred up! A little 8 pound 6 ounce boy came into our hearts on December 16th!! That day did not go the way that I had planned at all!! On the way to the hospital David and I finalized the girl name that we had picked out - Evangeline.. we just knew without a doubt that our baby was another girl! The ultrasound tech, slipped up and said "her" several times during our ultrasound...so we felt that it was surely a girl... and after a hard labor, with a roomful of nurses, mommas and my doula sister Jessi, the baby came out and I heard a moment of silence, everyone waiting for Dr. Elbourne to flip over the baby for us to see, I heard very loud screams of joy - ITS A BOY!!! I didn't believe it. There was no way it could be true! BUT IT WAS TRUE! David, said it felt like he had won the superbowl and confetti should've been falling from the ceiling, all he needed was the ring. The minute HE was in my arms, there went my heart! I am so in love! A waiting room full of family and friends anxiously awaited the news, so we let our girls and our daddies lead the way into our room with family and friends following..then David announced very proudly that we have a SON! And more tears, hoots and hollers rang out, and our girls raced to our bed to see their new little brother. THEY WERE ALSO IN LOVE! That was the happiest moment, PURE BLISS!!
We praise God for giving us the desires of our hearts!I had the best nurses and the best doctor ever! Everyone's hearts were so involved and everyone was so excited for us. It was definitely a party in room 1 in the labor and delivery unit! And when everyone cleared out and it was just a sleeping dad, me and the baby boy (around midnight) i finally got a chance really look at him, and then i couldn't look at him without crying. So many things ran through my mind like, his girlfriends and his future wife....oh man if they break his heart,,,ughghgh...and then they will have to meet some high standards of 5 women... he will have so much fun with his dad, David has so many plans..... oh my heart was and is so full!
We brought him home to a house full of anxious girls, who called us at the hospital about every 5 minutes wondering when we were getting home. They made signs and put them all around the house and in his room about how much they welcomed him and loved him and were glad that he was home. It was the best night!