We are having fun with Granny!!

I have laughed out loud so many times at her today..
She told me something very disturbing while we were watching The Rescuers on Disney...when the alligators were bringing Penny back to the mean lady's house, she told me that she was once almost eaten by and alligator ...... WHATTTTT !!!
I said maw....say that again, you were what?!?!?!
She said yes, when she was a baby, her momma and daddy left her on a pallet next to a lake while they were walking down a little... and then she said her momma heard her make some noise...she said she was about josie's age...and her momma looked at her and saw that an alligator was climbing on the shore toward her....ahhhh!!! And then her daddy ran and saved her!!! Man, oh man,,,none of us would've been here if her momma hadnt have heard make noise!! The Lord was watching over His little genevieve that day!!!I have laughed out loud so many times at her today..
She told me something very disturbing while we were watching The Rescuers on Disney...when the alligators were bringing Penny back to the mean lady's house, she told me that she was once almost eaten by and alligator ...... WHATTTTT !!!
I said maw....say that again, you were what?!?!?!
Maw wanted me to make sure yall knew that she doesnt have a yellow ribbon in her hair in this picture!! hahah!! it is inside that bowl behind her head! hahah!!oh never mind she really thought that it was really in her hair..she didnt know who put it in there..i am dying laughing again...i swoney!!