Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas Play and Puppets

We had a fun Christmas this year. I did not have time to blog during the holidays so I will do a little holiday recap...

We had a blast at the puppet show that was held at the Legion Hall in Clinton. We met up with the Dawson's and enjoyed good food and fellowship. We also met the mom and daughter that won the VH1 reality show..so you think your kid is a star! They were so sweet. The girls were mesmerized by the puppet show...it was the cutest thing to watch...THEN the big moment came when Santa and Mrs. Clause brought gifts to all the children. Parents were supposed to bring a wrapped present for each of their children...and the procrastinator that I am, I grabbed some pj's that mom bought the girls for their birthday and stuffed them into their stocking with a bow as I was leaving the house trying to hide them from the girls as they were getting in the suburban...The girls anxiously awaited hearing their names called....WOW (a little bit of sarcasm from the big girls) PAJAMAS!! Adeleine did not "pereciate" hers and told us when we were getting in the suburban to leave that she didn't like her present!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL.....David told her that he was taking her BACK INSIDE for her to TELL SANTA CLAUSE that she DID NOT like her pajamas!!!!! EVie and bella's eyes were as big as saucers....."addie, say that you like 'em" they begged!!!!! HORRIFIED!!!! she stood her ground....silence....pouty face......"little girl" their daddy said in a stern voice...."you need to be thankful and appreciate whatever present your receive....there are a lot of kids who DO NOT get anything, and they would LOVE to have pjs...." still nothing, pouty face......David gets out of the car ......."ADDIE PLEASSSEE say that you like them" bella says pleading.....how could she possibly offend santa clause, the sweetest man ever who was coming in a couple of days to bring them toys!!!!ahgggg I could see the ulcers forming in bella's little stomach, her mind reeling!!!! "OKAAAAAAYYY Daddy...i like them"...she mumbles, still pouty faced, looking straight into her daddies mad face.....!! relief washes over the big girls faces....now santa clause will bring their little sister some presents...they can only hope!!

Then it happened....at the Christmas musical.....the most embarrasing moment that I have ever had with Adeleine.....The girls have been practicing for their Christmas musical for several months on Sunday nights. Regretfully I was not too involved in this at all, I mostly just asked the girls how choir practice went and they would say "it was fun"! So I didn't know much about it..They allowed Adeleine to participate b/c it was for ages 3-12...Well everytime I would pick them up from practice I would ask if she behaved (i hated for them to be "babysitting" her) and they would always say that she was great and she is learning all of the songs and hand motions just fine!! Well the big day came for the musical and I was a little nervous, not knowing how she would do... Mom and I were in the audience that night, anxiously awaiting Adeleines debut...we knew Evie and Bella were going to be great, just a little nervous about Addie.. RIGHTLY SO!!! Here they come down the center aisle singing and addie sees us and waves..ok good...then they line up in their spots on the platform, addie is in the front, evie and bella in the second row....they were all singing great, the hand motions were awesome, I was pleasantly surprised at how good adeleine was doing, mom and i glancing at each other with proud smiles.....then the program was getting a little too slow for addie...so she starts making faces..grinning at the youth who were giggling at her....so now she has an audience to perform for, FORGET THE MUSICAL....she steps out of formation onto center stage and starts shaking her booty with her arms raised high.....I am trying to shrink down as low as i can into my seat....everyone in church was laughing, then addie steps back into formation..she sees me, so she comes down center aisle while some kids were saying their lines and just has to tell me to tell miss donna to stop laughing at her.....then she slips out of my grips (i wasnt going to let her go back up there) and heads PROUDLY back up the aisle to her place in the front....then later during another song, she decides that she doesnt want to wear her shirt anymore...so she tucks one arm into her shirt sleeve, then another....oh no I think, please dont do it.....then she starts raising her arms up slowly (think stripteasely), and up goes her shirt.....HORROR!!! my face is probably as red as the poinsettas decorating the church.......the church erupts in laughter again.... and she hollers from center stage at momma laying down in the pew b/c she is laughing so hard..."stop laughing at me mawee" !!!! all eyes go to my momma, covering her mouth trying to hide her hysterics.... So then mercifully the choir teacher goes and gets addie and makes her sit down in the pew.....then she gets up and comes to sit by me and mawee...After the program, Bro. Tony calls adeleine up to the front and everyone claps for her...she just looks down suddenly shy!! SO many people came up to her and said, YOu did great Adeleine, "you were my favorite" !! The theme of the musical was Christmas, where, when and why!! What is your favorite christmas memory? Even though I was so embarrassed, I think that this one will be mine!

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Christal said...

I am laughing so hard my sides hurt! I wish I would've been there to see it. I'd be peeing my pants. That's the funniest thing ever. GO ADDIE. I love the santa story too. Shont....i don't blame her. knownin she didn't mean her sorry anyway. Please send her to me!

Janee said...

Hilarious! Your kids are so FUN! I cannot imagine what I would have done, as a mom, with the church giggling at my child... although I have a feeling I will end up with "that child" at some point as well! : ) I can just see your mom laughing too!