Thursday, November 13, 2008

Happy Birthday David!!


Today is David's birthday, so I feel that it is ok to brag a little on him. I can hear yall now saying.."oh, brother"...
So here are some things that I love about David.....

1. he is Daring. As in jumping off a very tall cliff into a lake, chasing after snakes (my worst fear). He also runs into burning buildings to rescue people and just the other day he cut a women out of her mangled car and helped save her life. His crazy dream is to jump out of a plane and fly a top gun jet...over my dead time he swam in the gulf during a tropical storm while his wife, pregnant with twins watched him from the condo, praying...and the thing that scared me the most was when he jumped the rail we were sitting behind and broke up 2 gangs that were about to fight in the movie theater!!!! I just knew that I was about to hear gunfire....Here I was, very very, pregnant with Adeleine, enjoying the previews when candy started flying overhead, one gang of thugs above us, one gang of thugs to the side of us, throwing candy at each other.. can you picture that...then angry words started flying, me and a very packed theater of people getting more nervous by the second, people looking around thinking, is this really happening...then the guys from above headed over to the guys to the side of us.... head to head...a fight to ensue...only feet away from his pregnant, very scared wife wanting to hide under the seat.....then up jumps David over the in Dukes of hazard....demanded they sit down....and they did....immediately.....david shocked them....their toughness melted away in seconds, eyes big as saucers looking at this guy who gained all of the control....then he went to get the authorities and pointed out the troublemakers..."it was him, him, and him and him...pointing at each guilty thug....who were thrown out of the theater...then he got a huge applause from the audience and a swoon from me!!!! Just like ole John wayne....all business!!! that's how he rolls!!! my daring protector!!!
2. He is A Comic:

Everyone who knows him knows this... He is the Funniest person that I have ever met...he can reenact dumb and dumber in any given oppurtune moment, whether appropriate or not...I laugh at him at least 100 times a day...sometimes my cheeks hurt so bad that I have to hold them together to relax the muscles in them... and he can also make my stomach hurt so bad, sometimes there is no sound left in me from laughing so hard. then, all day long i laugh just thinking about him and how silly he is...Oh my gosh the things that he has intentionally tripping up the movie theater steps in front of 200 people .. so immature..he did this like everytime we would go to the movies... , he really can't do those things anymore being the c.o.c. of e.f.p. haha.. When I am having a not so good day, I will say, "dave, I need to laugh", no problem...seconds later, i am rofl at him and I am better...Laughter is so the best medicine! and our poor girls cant ever cry for long, anytime they get hurt bloody knees, bruised chins, they are laughing through the pain at their daddy in a matter of seconds....and for that matter I can never get mad at him, which is so unfair...he can just make a face...and their goes my anger....not an issue anymore...he is funny to a fault, sometimes embarrassingly funny....I LOVE that about him! I have my own ben stiller, jim carrey, will farell - David Dart!!

3. he is a Very hard worker - He perserveres and takes very good care of us. You rarely catch him on the couch. Last year at this time he was knocking on about 13000 doors meeting the people of our parish to ask for their vote. this year he is building a house for us!!He is always outside working on our property, riding tractors, bulldozers, fourwheelers with the girls... My favorite part of the day is when he comes through the door all dirty and sweaty with his very worn out mc football shirt, carharts and work boots on. nothing more attractive to me than this...hahah....i am serious... He works so hard to make our place awesome and That makes me so proud!!

Calloused hands, sunburned face and farmers tan....what a MAN!!

4. He Is the very best husband and Daddy

He is the answer to my prayer that i prayed in high school. a million fold. He is what God intends for a husband..such love and security....he truly values me....AND spoils me....He is definetly in charge of our family.....which I am so glad....what woman would want such pressure....ask me if I have ever paid any of our bills or know who to pay them to or how much...the answer is NO.... i have never worried over any of that stuff, stress free from all of it..
he takes care of it all and i am SO GLAD!! I trust and love him and know that he takes care of us!! He even goes to the grocery store and cooks the most!!! He gives me the sweetest most romantic cards and makes a huge breakfast for us girls every sunday before church.. He is teaching bella and evie how to jitterbug and he plays hide and seek with addie everyday when he comes home for lunch!! he always has time for his kids....except when Josie has a dirty diaper...he can always maneuver his way out of that... he gets upset when we start talking about the girls going on dates...and says that they will be baptist nuns one day...when the girls put on their play lipstick...he tells them.."now girls you cant wear lipstick in the convent" haha... so silly...they just look at him confused, then smile, then melt their daddy's heart!! At the end of the day when we are laying in bed, he always says, Kelli...we are so blessed,,, And i say AMEN to that...

I am so blessed to have YOU david,,,, Happy birthday!! You are my everything!!!

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