Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snuggling 10-11

I just finished snuggling with the big girls.
I do that every now and then. For them, but mostly for me. Picture this...We (evie, bella, addie and me) all snuggle together in a little full size bed, with a tent made out of old lace curtains hung overhead with dangling flowers, stars, etc., inside to see when they look up...then there is addie, she doesn't like covers, so her legs are sticking out usually spread eagle, leaving only inches for our legs, bella and evie are so happy that I am snuggling with them so they are rubbing my back and legs (they are getting really good at this), and telling me all about their day (who they played with, what they learned, who had to go on the fence at recess, who there little friend boys are -"momma don't DARE tell daddy" "girl power secrets", how much they LOVE me, and how cute Josie is...)
Then slowly they start fading into their little slumbers....
Whoever is still awake secretly gets the best snuggle from me... I pull her closer to me and we snuggle tight and I rub her arms, legs... and run my fingers through her hair and kiss her cheeks lots and lots............
tonight it was Evie....
so naturally my mind starts to remember back as we snuggle close.....

MY FIRSTBORN...the one named after my sweet grandmother genevieve....my little one....who weighed only three pounds eleven ounces....my little sweetie who could make my heart stop when she would turn blue and pass out when she would get upset....the one with the smaller eyes and the crooked little smile... the one who loves to dance, draw and dress up, a true girly girl.....the one who loves to fish and get dirty too....The one who tries her hardest to put others before herself and LOVES to help old people up the steps....
she is my little love
.....as I am rubbing her arm, and feel her little scrapes, i start to feel the tears stinging my eyes....man, being a mom is so bittersweet, because I remember when this little arm was premature, only inches long. Now i feel muscles growing underneath this soft but tough little skin!! these little arms now swing wildly above her head when she dances and high vees when she cheers, so coordinated!!! these are the little arms that pack her little sister josie around and rescue her little sisters from their nibbling daddy..haha....her little hands...her little bossy fingers that point and direct her sisters and also tickle them.."gitty gitty gitty".... her pinky is bruised from being shut in the car door, still sore, but she says that she is tough! sweet little hands that always hold her sisters when they walk into school everyday.... her long legs, with tons of scrapes, bruises and mosquito bites...playing outside legs.....legs that run really fast!! Now her hair....long, soft and curly, blonde with streaks of brown throughout... beautiful, her hair parts perfectly naturally to the side, her daddy LOVES to brush this little head of hair after baths and he comments on how beautiful and LONG her hair is getting.... bound to be very tight ringlets all over her head when she hits puberty! Then her face, soft cheeks, slightly chapped little pink lips, she loves her cherry carmex that i bought just for her....eyes closed, dark lashes against her cheeks......
sweet dreams EVIE claire,

Thank you LOrd for blessing me with this little girl who is growing up too fast!! Even though I sometimes say when things are wild, whiney, messy, etc..."this too shall pass"....

please LORD let it pass SLOWLY!!!


pepper said...

kell, this brought tears of joy, pride,and pure love to me... you are the sweetest daughter, sister,grandaughter, friend and just a great person,, and i love you as much as you love your children,, a mothers love is just a blessing from above,and you are so right ,, it is bittersweet,, because those little ones that you hold now, will one day walk down the isle and will on longer be YOUR little ones anymore,, but they always comeback and bring MORE,,,lol,, i love you so much,, mom

Unknown said...

kelli you're such an awesome mom!!!!! this will make your girls boo hoo when they read it when they are older!!! i know 4 little girls who couldnt have a better life!